New Recognition Model: Sensitive Numbers

We've just published a new model for recognizing a collection of sensitive numbers. The new model can detect:

  • Social Security numbers (SSN)
  • Passport numbers
  • Driver IDs
  • Bank account and routing numbers
  • Payment card numbers, expiry date, and card verification value (CVV)
  • Passwords
  • 4 digit pin codes
  • IP Addresses (IPv4)
  • MAC addresses (unique network identifier on computers)

You can switch the types on or off in the model settings in the dashboard.

As with all recognition models you can use it for extraction or covering up the types in any text.

Here's an example of a response with everything enabled:

  "status": "success",
  "request": { "timestamp": 1619141139656 },
  "content_moderated": true,
  "data_found": true,
  "content": "Heres a list of the details: \n\nSSN: {{ sensitive hidden }} \nPassport: {{ sensitive hidden }} \nIP: {{ sensitive hidden }} \nMAC: {{ sensitive hidden }} \nAccount number: {{ sensitive hidden }} \nRouting: {{ sensitive hidden }} \nCard: {{ sensitive hidden }} {{ sensitive hidden }} {{ sensitive hidden }} \nPin: {{ sensitive hidden }} \nPassword: {{ sensitive hidden }} \n\n",
  "sensitive": {
    "mode": "PARANOID",
    "components": [
      { "ssn": "999-99-9999" },
      { "passport_number": "123456789" },
      { "ip_address": "" },
      { "mac_address": "00:1A:C2:7B:00:47" },
      { "bank_account_number": "000123456789" },
      { "bank_routing": "110000000" },
      { "credit_debit_number": "4242424242424242" },
      { "credit_debit_expiry": "02/24" },
      { "credit_debit_cvv": "963" },
      { "pin": "4219" },
      { "password": "123horse" }
    "found": true

You can find the new model in your dashboard now. I hope you find it useful.